Monday, January 19, 2009

Two interesting OpenGL links

Although I'm not working on OpenGL recently, I have just found today two interesting links.

When I have to develop in C++ and OpenGL, I have to do it normally for Windows, so I have to deal with MFC and OpenGL. I have a sort of an initial template, but it is much better to let the VS 2008 wizard to allow us to create an initial OpenGL + MFC project. Thanks to Dave Kerr we have here how.

From time to time, I also develop in C# and it is always interesting to use OpenGL. There are several alternatives, but SharpGL seems to be all the majority of us need. Here a brief article about it.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Kodu: a new game programming environment for kids

Game programming has always been considered one of the most difficult programming fields. As a computer graphics lecturer and a former game programmer, when I was a teenager actually, I can not say the opposite.

Processing is an excellent framework for those interested in developing games without having to use more low-level API's or development environments.

XNA, visit this and this, is perhaps the perfect choice if you want to use a specific API for computer game development. It is based on .NET and has the additional advantage of letting the game to be deployed directly into a Xbox console.

Thinking basically in new developers, beginners and those who do not want to know anything about programming, Microsoft is about to launch Kodu.

Kodu is not just a game, is a game generator. Using a graphical language, it offers the opportunity to develop computer games without a single line of code.

It is better to see it in action:

Kodu has been created by Microsoft. The project web site can be found here.