Friday, March 09, 2012

Unity3D and game development

Many months without writing anything, and one of the reasons is the amount of work we have had here lately.

I have been still working with new tools in order to work with computer graphics applications and games, and although I'm still in love with processing (my teaching material is still available), last year I was working with a new environment that has become my current love ;)

I'm talking about Unity3D.

Unity3D has a lot of incredible advantages when creating games and multimedia applications:
- It's framework is Mac and Windows and has an incredible environment to help us in producing outstanding games, multimedia and 3D contents
- Regarding developing, it is based on Mono project, which means many advantages: we can use either C#, Javascript or Boo, and we have a great collection of the .NET framework possibilities
- Develop once, distribute to iOS, Android, Mac, Windows and consoles. Really awesome.
- It has become the most popular game development engine, with thousands of developer and apps
- Scalable, well-documented, incredible ecosystem etc.

Why I am so excited ? Well, because as a matter of fact I was involved last year in the development of a game for iOS and Android. You can see it here in action and we developed it for the Swiss company x-fund ag. It is called SpinningTop Adventure and it is available in the AppStore and Android Market (or should I call it 'Google Play' now ?)

After developing a complete game and intensively using Unity3D, we are in a position to say that is really a very interesting choice, if not the best, when talking about games, multimedia and 3D systems, for mobile, desktop, web or console platforms.

Our current work ? Well, once covered our introduction to Unity3D we are working right now in applying this technology in the development of serious games, games for education and solutions for disabled people. I hope I'll be able to show you something soon.

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